Monthly Archives: November 2015
Visionary Experience (Pt. 2/2)
If you haven’t read Pt.1, click here to read it first before reading this one!


Indie Games with Vision

As is the standard of this series, we expand upon previous knowledge by perusing multiple examples of the aforementioned topic. That concept is extra important here, though; the previous two examples show very similar games with arguably conventional approaches. Darkest Dungeon’s main method of dragging you into the experience is based on the art, dialogue, and flavor of the world, in addition to gameplay. This is by no means a standard; some games can be all gameplay and no story and still get their target experience across. The most important thing to take out of this is the “focused vision” concept; the idea that anything that isn’t necessary for your idea need not even be in the game. With that in mind, let’s begin.

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