Sol: Descent


Sol: Descent

2D Top-Down Space Fighter Shoot ‘Em Up

SOL: Descent is a fast paced shoot-em up bullet-hell game where the play takes command over the Prometheus star ship, humanities last chance at salvation against an evil invading alien race. The Prometheus is armed with the “Ultra Weapon” a prototype weapon which absorbs enemy bullets and then fires them back out in devastating volleys.


Created using ANSI C, using FMOD and a light wrapper around OpenGL. Our engine utilized a component-based architecture; my first introduction to the concept that helped me when approaching the engine for my current project, Momentum.

Worked on a team of 3 alongside Zachary “Remscar” Nawar (Technical Lead and Producer) and Judy Cheng (Product Manager and Art Director). I was the Lead Designer, and working on this game (and team) was an awesome, enjoyable experience. I definitely learned a lot from the limitations we had in this project, and had a lot of opportunities to practice programming and audio engineering, as well as design and research. I may potentially post a write-up of the research that went into the gameplay and audio.

Download the game here!